Nature's cycles are incredibly complex and yet so vital to all life on earth. It's urgent for humans to fit into these systems if we are to survive, but the dysfunctional methods employed in the past are killing the planet. The scope of the problem is far beyond the control of any one individual consumer or even municipal governments, so a neighborhood-scale solution was needed. NextGenUrban is responding with award-winning zero-carbon housing underpinned by a deeply integrated decentralized modular infrastructure to deliver zero-carbon water energy fuel and waste services, all set within our regenerative farm-based communities. The result is our Sustainable Lifestyle neighborhoods where consumers finally have instant and permanent access to the sustainable, zero-waste, zero-carbon lifestyle they desire.
Food waste, farm waste, restaurant and home garbage disposal waste is collected in a dedicated plumbing system then macerated and mixed into a custom designed feedstock to be converted in an advanced multi-stage digester to produce grid-quality carbon-negative cooking fuel, and organic fertilizer.
A circular waste system ensures all neighborhood trash is gathered from the commercial and household level and separated at our own facility prior to being upcycled as a key ingredient in a cementitious construction material, used in waste-to-energy process, or sold to a 3rd party recycler.